World Pulp & Paper, Chinese Edition is the definitive, in-depth, industry review of new technologies and development across the entire spectrum of the pulp and papermaking process that is on offer to the Chinese region.

Published anually, World Pulp & Paper, Chinese Edition is a collection of carefully selected articles which celebrate the achievements and innovation of key industry leaders and the advancements made in their respective fields.

Presented in Mandarin (simplified Chinese), in an oversized A4 format (300mm x 230mm) on high quality 150gsm gloss paper, the publication features a semi-hard 350gsm cover over a perfectly bound spine.

The readership and distribution is carried out on a carefully controlled basis to Presidents, Mill Managers and Heads of Production and Maintenance of every pulp and paper mill in China. In other words, all those in a position of purchasing, or having any influence over the specifying process, in every pulp and paper mill across China receive a copy. The circulation list of individually named and addressed Chinese recipients is compiled annually by our partner, Fisher International Inc. - the world's leading consulting and information services provider to the forestry, pulp and paper sectors.

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