b'Figure 4. The Hortlax Plant.DRAMATIC CO 2REDUCTIONS 1 640 tonnes of CO 2reducedground. Thirdly, introducing renewable An investigation into the sustainabilityfrom the CCS effect of utilizing thegas not only reduces CO 2emissions to and economic impact of replacingresidue biochar zero, it also dips into negative territory fossil gas with the renewable syngasIn total: an annual reduction of 10 300as the mill does not emit this much CO 2was required. This was conducted attonnes of fossil fuel-derived CO 2 to begin with!a Swedish tissue mill where a Meva Energy gasification unit was about to beThese figures shows three interestingTHE SECRET WEAPON: BIOCHARinstalled next to the mill.Introducingthings: Firstly, renewable solutionsWhat, then, is biochar? One clue might renewablealso contain some fossil CO 2footprintbe to think of barbecue charcoal. The CO 2calculation showed: gas not only(deriving from transporting fuelFollowing a full combustion process, reduces CO2etc,), as calculated by the Swedishthe residue turns into ashes. In a 9 211 tonnes of CO 2reducedemissionsEnvironmental Protection agency.gasification process, less oxygen is annually from removing the existingto zero, itSecondly, the residue from theallowed in the reactor and some of LPG solution also dipsgasification processbiocharworksthe carbon from the fuel remains in 551 tonnes of CO 2added from theinto negativeas a secret weapon in reducing thethe residue, i.e. biochar. The biochar new renewable solution territory. CO 2due to its ability to store CO 2in thehas a high porosity and surface area. TISSUE TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL75'