b'MILL OPTIMISATIONheating plants, and it also predictsthe profitability of their mill withoutcoordination application for automatic things like delays and different intra- having to make big changes to theirdecision making that can harness day variations to improve overallequipment. However, quite oftenrecent advancements in optimisation network efficiency. the focus is on just one thing, liketechnology. The application accounts understanding bottlenecks, increasingfor interactions between processes, We integrated the solution intoproduction or finding ways to savestorage levels and delays, process Helens existing production planningcosts on raw materials. With a mill- and quality constraints, and future and Valmet DNA automation systems,wide approach companies couldshutdowns and slowdowns. Mill-wide and other existing process control andsee improvements in all these areas.optimisation can be a stand-alone information systems so that everythingAnd this is where we are goingsolution, but you will get the best works smoothly together. It lets Helenwith digitalisation and the Industrialoutcome when it is combined with see the big picture so they can makeInternet, says Lehtonen. advanced process control systems decisions about electricity trading and(APCs) to execute the decisions. when to use the network for energyWhat we are really trying to do withThe automatic decisions and or heat storage. This network-widethe Industrial Internet solutions isrecommendations provided by the approach has reduced their energyto help our customers to overcomesystem are impossible to perform procurement costs and also helpsthe challenges that they are facingmanually, providing a completely new them reduce their emissions. at the moment and help them useand efficient way to improve overall their assets in the optimal way. Theseprofitability.Another example is the Industrialsolutions make this possible, but Internet ecosystem partnershipcustomers need to be prepared toMany companies are already between Valmet and Fabio Perini,share data, process flow sheets and soexploring the potential benefits in their a company that specializes in theon. Then we can identify pain pointsstrategies and we have technology production of machinery, linesand possible use cases. that lets us do many things. At the and integrated systems, for thesame time, we need to recognise that converting and packaging of tissueWe have developed ways to evaluateincreasing automatisation requires a paper. The two companies solidhow much benefit a mill can expectchange in customer processes and expertise combined with data fromto see from mill-wide optimisation.the way they work. Some level of tissue mills and converting plants willFor example, a good method ischange management will be required provide a new dimension to tissueto re-optimise the past. With thisto help people get the most from mill optimisation. The collaborationapproach, we do data discovery tothe technology. In addition, were aims at providing an unbroken chainanalyse a mills old dataat least aseeing that as the younger generation of production data from the tissueyears worthand then we calculatecomes in, they want and expect better machine to the converting line andwhat the savings would have been forscheduling and planning tools. So in utilising artificial intelligence-drivendifferent optimisation scenarios. Basedthe future we predict that it will be applications in the tissue productionon our experience and calculations,easier for company-wide teams tomill experts process to make the convertingintegrating and coordinating differentwork together remotely from differentwill still be operations downstream more efficient.process areas or islands can resultlocations, and perhaps the core- needed, but in savings up to millions or tens ofcompetencies will be centralised.theyll have IDENTIFYING BIGGER BENEFITS millions of euros. Either way, mill experts will stillbetter tools When we think about the pulp andbe needed, but theyll have betterand better paper industry and the kinds ofMAKING EVERYTHING WORK TOGETHER tools and better information to doinformation benefits that companies are lookingFor mill-wide optimisation to work,their job and to improve overall millto do their for, they usually want to increasethe main requirement is to have aperformance, Lehtonen concludes. job66 WORLD PULP&PAPER'